Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Secret German Wish

My dad, since i was a kid, would always keep a German Shepherd in our house. I remember every single one that we had. There's Olga, Dixie (the smartest one), Betsie, Kline (who, due to hyperactivity, caused my milky front tooth to fall out), Tina, Tabac (who almost devoured one of our employees' face), Dax, and the last one was Lluch.

That's Dixie right there, i think
I am not a big fan of German Shepherds, really. But one day i spotted a very pogi German Shepherd while we were hanging out at a cafe somewhere in makati. For some unknown reason i wanted to have my own. I forgot about my yellow labrador for about 3 seconds. I forgot about Uni, our pet shih tzu for a millisecond. At that moment, I wanted a German Shepherd so bad.

I told my dad. But he won't let me purchase one. Not with the whole lot of other dogs in our zoo-house. And he knows i could not take care of it. Sad.

After seeing This Is It twice, I was planning on naming my new dog M.J. But nahh, maybe some other time.

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