I have to write this down. Queen of pain, eh? Nothing compared to a Frida Kahlo.
"Frida Kahlo had something more than beauty, talent and passion, something more marketable in the pop culture universe: she suffered," says Jessica Zafra.
Sends me goosebumps. Two days ago i was just babbling about how painful things have gone in my life, labelling myself as the "queen of pain," thinking i'm the least fortunate kid on earth. Minutes after publishing my post, i graced the news and found an article by Zafra entitled: "Frida Kahlo and The Order of Pain." OMG, really. Someone up there really is sending me a message.
This July the whole world is commemorating Kahlo's 100th year anniversary, and here in the Philippines, we have come up with different events (such as poetry performances, art exhibitons, film showing, etc.) to serve as tribute to her. Amidst all the pieces, one thing stood out - the account of her sufferings. Frida Kahlo, at age 6, suffered from polio, and at age 18, survived a car crash that caused her polio-withered leg 11 fractures. With her foot crushed and left shoulder dislocated, a metal handrail skewered her through her back and out through her vagina. Later on she had her leg amputated. Survive she did but her pain in life did not end there. Her pains with her womanizer husband Diego Rivera, who had an affair with her sister, quite punctuated her sorrowful journey.
"She trancended her pain with her art," says one. True. And this, overriding her bushy eyebrows on her ubiqitous face staring at us, makes her life and works important. Yet, she did not deny her pain.
And here i am, whining about the cutest problem in the world! I'd better tell myself: "Don't wait till Frida frowns and raises her funky eyebrows on you before you realize life has never been fair. Get used to it."
But then again, i go back to Him who has suffered the worst in this world - my Savior. He suffered all the pain, that I may live. He's the only one who is beyond compare.
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