i'm beginning to have a heart for certified geeks nowadays. Especially the selfish, emo, problematic ones like Adrian Monk. Who's with me? You know, Monk..? Yep, the world-renowned, fictional O.C. detective. But mind you, he's not at all problematic!
Oh, this is what you get after being sick a fortnight. You get to watch an entire season of your fave tv series. And what happens after? Your mouth is so much full of (in my case) Monk laughs that it becomes the main course on your dinner table. Not so kewl.. family begins to get annoyed. Because they'd rather have pinakbet and sliced watermelons on the table than a Monk story only i could understand.
What i like about the Monk tv series is that, though he (Monk) seems so weird and problematic, and amidst all his traumas and phobias, the story revolves around his anxieties vis-a-vis his responsibilities. This is where the external forces come in - his boss, his assistant, his shrink, for instance. Facing the weirdest struggles every single day, these people remind him of his specific duty - solving homicide cases that, thanks to his OC attention to details, he alone could solve. There. Trauma now becomes a gift. I like this.
And here's my fave episode: When Monk almost gave up. See, before, he used to be a cop. But due to his psychological problems, he got down to being a consultant, yet all his life he longed for reinstatement. But reinstatement never came. So one day he decided to move on and settled on serving as a butler for a royalty. Straight-obsessive-compulsive-A's for this one. Hah! Next thing he knew, he had a case to solve right under his nose. So duty called. His real duty. And solve the case he did. Then a happy ending, reinstatement came.
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